(urth) S.R. Delany's "Neveron" Stories

Gerry Quinn gerry at bindweed.com
Thu Jul 25 03:12:17 PDT 2013

From: Fred Kiesche

> Anybody know if Samuel R. Delany is a fan of Gene Wolfe? I'm seeing 
> parallels
> in pacing, "feel" between the New Sun and SRD's "Neveron" stories and 
> books.
> Or are both just influenced by (for example) Borges?

Common interests seem more likely.  Delaney was mostly writing before 
Wolfe - I think he's been writing mostly autobiographies and gay porn since 
the '80s.  He has a new SF novel out recently, though the Tor review 
suggested it is for the strong of stomach.

- Gerry Quinn 

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