(urth) Short Sn notes: Inhumi and their sources

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 14 15:37:21 PDT 2013

A ring that remains textually unidentifiable unless it is somehow the original ring that should have been on Green is the main reason I have always felt that Auk must have repaired the lander off screen.  If not in Dorp, it shows up near it on Blue. Indeterminacy is the theme of short sun from our narrator on down - is this urth? Is this Silk?  Is this the same ring?  Can we identify the ring?  Not if it isn't horns.  Did Auk die? If he didn't, then the fate of her children would still be enough to drive Chenille back to drugs and drinking.  Just a coincidence it was a big woman in the alley and all of a sudden after that victim Jahlee is recognizable as Chenille? 

Short Sun is one of those books where it is impossible to prove anything definitively, but knowing Chenille's fate, what happened to the ring, and that Silk would free Auk to fix the lander closes more holes than it creates, in my opinion. 

Jahlee has fed on a big drunk woman, the dominant description of Chenille. I don't see Auk's ghost and a woman matching chenille's description as just meaningless coincidence. 

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