(urth) Short Sun notes: Inhumi and their sources

David Duffy David.Duffy at qimr.edu.au
Fri Jul 12 17:40:34 PDT 2013

On Sat, 13 Jul 2013, Andrew Mason wrote:

> Yes indeed. With Krait I think it's fairly clear what's happening - Horn
> adopts Krait as his son, and it turns out that he is in a way his son,
> through Sinew. I think that Horn is unfairly judging Sinew - perhaps
> because he reminds Horn of his younger self - and that through Krait he
> comes to appreciate him better. But Jahlee is a real mystery. Why does the
> Rajan see her, not as his sister - which would make sense if she is
> Chenille - but as his daughter? You might just say 'by adoption', and
> adoption is certainly taken seriously in the Vironese community, but there
> are suggestions there's more to it than that; he thinks in retrospect of
> Krait as his grandson, and wonders whether it was legitimate to adopt Krait
> in the light of that; yet the adoption of Krait happened long before he met
> Jahlee. But there's no suggestion that either Silk or Horn ever had a
> daughter. There's something here I'm not fathoming.

Well Silk may feel in loco parentis to Horn...

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