(urth) silk, the dancing toy, gods in the tunnels

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 20:48:13 PDT 2013

No dia 28/08/2013, às 19:10, Marc Aramini <marcaramini at yahoo.com> escreveu:

> Lee wrote:
> > "Whichever way makes it a better read for you".                         
> maybe in an introduction and in a theory, but I have in the past received responses like "NO NO NO" from him ... just throwing that out there

But then again that may only mean he's got a whole different perspective from yours, that he wants you to know. It doesn't mean yours is wrong, it lives on its own merit. There are readings I feel cannot have been part of the author's intentions, but if they hadn't been put forward by someone, how would the rest of us come across by their charms?

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