(urth) silk, the dancing toy, gods in the tunnels

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 19:51:55 PDT 2013

No dia 24/08/2013, às 16:45, Marc Aramini <marcaramini at yahoo.com> escreveu:

> I think that the rather odd naming of the dogs in the tunnels as gods 

Ahh, so I'm not the only only one finding this quite odd. Not that the pun itself is hard to come by - was it you who connected it to 'dog collar', or was it LB or James?), but it's too childish to stand on its own, I think. 

> is indicative of exactly what it implies literally: the gods are in the tunnels - the sleepers behind the seals of Pas.  Before his probably suicide attempt, Silk indicates that he is aware of his origins now and that he learned them in the time down below.  While we can say this is just a statement about humanity and the whorl, I think it is personal - he realizes that the things which control him (Mother Kypris) are using him like that dancing toy, that his enlightenment might be spurious and predetermined in that gnostic universe (how quickly the chalk of Silk for Calde goes up after his enlightenment - I've always felt this overdetermined beginning is part of that "clock work figure" of Silk and the whorl.  He realizes that he has very little freedom and it is all set up.

There is somewhere Silk says he sometimes doesn't even trust the Outsider. I found that quite interesting. 

>   However, Mamelta is swallowed by the giant fish

A pulp trope, even - have characters vanish without warning just when you thought you'd start knowing a bit more about them.

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