(urth) fifth head owlet- wolf‏

DAVID STOCKHOFF dstockhoff at verizon.net
Thu Apr 11 11:56:20 PDT 2013

Perhaps we are dealing with a "phylogeny recapitulates (or predicts) ontogeny" story in which a sort of caterpillar-to-butterfly story is an emblem of evolutionary advancement. It seems clear that the adaptation of extreme mimicry allows the metamorphosis of an undeveloped individual into an advanced species over an extremely short time. Perhaps VRT remembers his own childhood as a worm.

> From: Marc Aramini <marcaramini at yahoo.com>
>To: The Urth Mailing List <urth at lists.urth.net> 
>Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:47 PM
>Subject: Re: (urth) fifth head owlet- wolf‏
>--- On Thu, 4/11/13, DAVID STOCKHOFF <dstockhoff at verizon.net> wrote:
>>From: DAVID STOCKHOFF <dstockhoff at verizon.net>
>>Subject: Re: (urth) fifth head owlet- wolf‏
>>To: "The Urth Mailing List" <urth at lists.urth.net>
>>Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013, 11:19 AM
>>However, I want to repeat Gerry's point about internal consistency. When we interpret a work as containing 1+ practically independent stories with only a few solid points of contact with the "obvious" story (no matter how many "soft" points there may be when the work is held up to the light at a certain angle), internal consistency is just about all you have. Even when there are preexisting narratives (along the lines of Odysseus the a basis for Ulysses), internal consistency is needed. Not just dogged uniformity, or else Aunt Polly would indeed be a robot---because everyone would be a robot.
>>Here, I'd like to see some clarification of trees vs maggots, keeping in mind that we don't have word for "dendrilarvae," just as we don't have a word for "parasitic herpevines."
>>-----Inline Attachment Follows-----
>we have a metamorphic alien species - one extremely prone to mimicry.  It is perfectly normal that they would have multiple stages in their lifecycle.  I didn't make maggots up out of the air, either - it is an organizing factor in Port Mimizon thanks to the french superstructure.    Remembering that one was once long and lived in tree roots is certainly indicative of being, in either evolution or individually, something very like a larval formlessness.  Perhaps many of the old school ones lived their life cycle and in their adult version latched onto a vegetative model: becoming trees after the metamorphosis.  Others latched onto sentient beings.  It is not clear whether all are predendritic or that was simply the most pervasive life form, wherein they emulated their habitat upon maturity (or if it is simply a husk). 
>Nothing inconsistent with a larval form transforming into something else as an adulte, or indeed anything else if they are mimics, as they most assuredly are.  Indeed, imitation is the theme of the book, if anything is. 
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