(urth) (no subject)

Jerry Friedman jerry_friedman at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 27 18:06:37 PST 2012

>From: nate jarvis natejarv at gmail.com

>I've been wondering if the inhumi's secret isn't that, if once given
>consent to drink from a human, they then require consent to drink from
>a human. It's the only thing I've thought of thus far that seems to
>offer a practical threat to the inhumi if revealed, but when I read
>BotSS it felt like and _old_ secret, so unless it's something they
>discovered from interactions with the Neighbors than it wouldn't
>satisfy in that regard.

As far as I can tell, Wolfe's answer does offer a practical threat to
the inhumi.  If the people on Blue and Green were non-parasitic, the
inhumi couldn't parasitize them, and if the people were honest, the
inhumi would be honest and couldn't deceive them.  Then inhumi
preying on people would stop, and the next generation would have
only animal intelligence, at which point people could wipe them out
(or keep a few in parks and zoos).
Jerry Friedman

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