(urth) Inhumi's secret and numbers on Blue

nate jarvis natejarv at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 14:57:31 PST 2012

If the Neighbors sent/brought the inhumi to the Whorl to judge what
humans are like based on how the inhumi parasitizing them behaved,
then how did they do so? If the Neighbors on Green were shipping
inhumi to Bue as part of their war between Green and Blue, what was
their method of shipping?

Climbing a mountain--even one that pokes up out of the atmosphere like
our own Olympus Mons--and then flapping your wings really really hard
to fly through vacuum just seems silly. The inhumi obviously do use
human tech to travel--that's how Krait and Horn get to Green--but they
might also still be using Neighbor tech to travel during the events of
Short Sun.

David Stockhoff lists:
(1) Vacuum rupture
(2) Radiation
(3) Heat/cold variation
(4) Navigation/propulsion
(5) Reentry/landing
(6) Food/air

Micrometeorite impacts should maybe also be included.

If inhumi have a means of going into protected stasis then #4 and
likely #5 present insurmountable obstacles. If they were being fired
out of cannons, that might address #4, but I don't recall any hint of
space guns on Green, nor any reason to believe that the inhumi are
capable of calculating where they would like to aim a space gun, let
alone manipulating controls to do so themselves.

So why do people on Blue believe that the inhumi fly through space? Is
this just a case of the inhumi themselves knowing how to start rumors,
and wanting that particular piece of misinformation in wide
circulation on Blue?


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