(urth) Lake of Birds

Jerry Friedman jerry_friedman at yahoo.com
Tue May 22 20:04:21 PDT 2012

> From: António Pedro Marques <entonio at gmail.com>

>No dia 23/05/2012, às 01:43, Bruno de Albuquerque Furtado <meuemaildobruno at gmail.com> escreveu:
>> "You'd be wise not to ask for evidence, it's been taken as a vicious insult before."
>> Oops, I didn't realize that. Only asked because I actually wanted to understand the connection.

You'll figure out who is whose enemy soon enough, or learn to ignore the enmity.

>Homem prevenido vale por dois. 

In English, "Forewarned is four-armed".

>Of course, even the people with the most egregious ideas here sometimes come up with useful insights. More than me, for instance; I never come up with anything.

I'm in a somewhat similar position.

Jerry Friedman

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