(urth) Lake of Birds

entonio at gmail.com entonio at gmail.com
Tue May 22 14:14:34 PDT 2012

No dia 22/05/2012, às 18:43, Bruno de Albuquerque Furtado <meuemaildobruno at gmail.com> escreveu:

> . It's easy to forget, but the BotNS is supposed to be a "translation", and furthermore one in which the translator is striving not to invent words. Therefore names and terms that seem to evoke mythology for us, such as "Dorcas" and "Cumaean" and "Typhon", may not be the mythological beings themselves at all, nor even those characters' "real" names. They might actually be conscious choices by the "translator", who in his unwillingness to invent new words, ends up making parallels between the characters of the supposed "original text", and creatures from Earthly lore. But that should be the subject of a whole other thread

It's actually continually discussed here, not at all forgotten. Give the list some credit!

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