(urth) short story 7: The Green Wall Said

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 29 09:01:46 PDT 2012

Unanswered question on this: What is the nature of the alien half dome with the green wall and the alien "rational" intelligence?  Is it important that it formed during the carbineforous period, when coal and other plants types were proliferating, and marine fungi in general was already present as it exists today?  

Is it related to coal?  Is it inside the cell of a chlorophyl powered organism that cannot reproduce sexually?  Or is it alien entirely?  Is it mounted on a spring?  Very unclear, but someone claims to have seen a "flying saucer"

ALSO, the reactions of the people: some want to be let go for their children, the prisoner is interested in cancer, the safari man is thinking of abos - are they NOT confronting what the green wall wants them to, caught up in their own concerns?  Is the Green Wall quickly disappointed?

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