(urth) The Wizard

Nick Lee starwaterstrain at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 17:05:34 PST 2012

> Gerry Quinn wrote:

> Clear references to Jesus of Nazareth are not ?quasi-Christian symbols and
> concepts?. And did those societies have the Sign of the Cross? Did they
> have rosary beads?
> [I also do not find it convincing that the Whorl society is modelled on
> Egyptian and Roman cultures.  Among the Cargo alone there is a huge variety
> of culture, as we can see in the context of Trigivaunt, Gaon etc.]

 The cross dates back to the stone age. Rosary beads are not native to
Christianity. They were borrowed from the East. Most symbolism in
Christianity can be traced directly to Mithraism.

I do agree that the Whorl is modelled on several cultures, but the
sacrificial system is an obvious reference to pre-Christian religions,
including those of Rome and ancient Greece.

> I don?t postulate a secret society of Christians, though I think it?s
> perfectly plausible that there are Christians on Urth, or members of an
> evolved version of Christianity.  Quetzal is familiar with certain
> traditions that seem to come from a future version of Christianity or Islam
> (do you postulate a failed Prophet too?)  We hear from Marble, I think,
> that Chems used to worship the Outsider back in Typhon?s day.
> Allah is referred to in the character name lists as ?A forgotten god.
>  (Perhaps an alternative name for the Outsider.)?  How direct do you want
> Wolfe to be?\

You will have to be more specific about he "traditions" you speak of. Their
presence would not indicate anything either way, though.

As for Allah, that was not originally a reference to the god of the
Israelites, as I'm sure you know.

> It may be pagan, but it is set in the future of a universe resembling our
> own.  Nor is it a matter of a few random symbols, but a lot of very
> specific ones.  And Jesus is very clearly referenced.  Allah is even
> mentioned by name, and Quetzal gives us a mutated version of Genesis.
> Ignoring all this stuff won?t make it go away.

Genesis also predated Christianity, as I am also sure you know. When Silk
glimpses Christ, could it be he is seeing a vision of the future, of a
universe following his own?
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