(urth) Wolfe acceptance speech audio

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 30 09:06:51 PDT 2012

Larry Santoro has an audio of Wolfe's acceptance speech at
15 minutes in his latest Tales To Terrify!  Awesome, it's really funny and entertaining and it is cool to hear Wolfe's voice.  It's the march 2012 one, I think that is No.12.  


It is currently right under the picture on the main page, starts at 15 minutes and runs about twenty minutes long.

If you enjoyed it subscribe or there is a donation button, Larry seems like a great guy and I really appreciated his speech about Gene.

Just caught what he actually said about me at 31 minutes.  Wolfe is a deviously witty man.  "He would have scared me green." heh heh heh.

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