(urth) The Wizard

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 11 19:41:31 PDT 2012

--- On Sun, 3/11/12, António Pedro Marques <entonio at gmail.com> wrote:

From: António Pedro Marques <entonio at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: (urth) The Wizard
To: "The Urth Mailing List" <urth at lists.urth.net>
Date: Sunday, March 11, 2012, 7:39 


As I've stated boringly to tears, it's the knowledge that Wolfe is a catholic that makes me almost certain that either Briah's Jesus wasn't the Son of God or Briah's Humanity is fundamentally worse than us. I can't envision a world that has already been visited by Christ degenerating into Urth. Iow, it's the knowledge that Wolfe is a catholic that makes me believe the Christian trappings of Briah are more form than substance. 

I don't want to go around and around, but, unlike many mystical religious writers, Wolfe is a keen observer of the world.  He has lived through a war personally, has seen men killed, has passed through DETROIT and Chicago.  He knows that there is hell on earth and on urth, in this day and age, and still believes in Christ.
There are some things going on in the inner city that make Urth seem not that bad at all.  How could Christ be Christ with all the bad things that happen today?  this is why i don't find the argument convincing - terrible things happen to good people and vice versa in reality, but that doesn't deter Wolfe from his beliefs.  there is no reason to posit everything is the same except Christ in Urth when the real world is so ugly at times, too.
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