(urth) Short Story 39: Tarzan of the Grapes

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 11 06:35:58 PDT 2012

--- On Tue, 7/10/12, Marc Aramini <marcaramini at yahoo.com> wrote:

On second thought, I think the physical description of Jane as brown haired and blue eyed and her assertion that she is from first the imaginary Oz and thenTarzana, the home of Burroughs, despite her modern attitude, might be some objective evidence that she actually is supposed to be the enfleshed Jane from the mind of Burroughs.
And now that I ponder it more, I feel almost certainly that the flippant Oz response is actually a phylogenetic kind of statement.
Oz and its success influenced writers such as Burroughs, Bradbury, even Wolfe.  Perhaps its commercial success and hold on the public mind (especially after the movie) contributed to not only to Tarzan and Jane's creation but also to their mythic "cult" status, which has made them real to some degree.  Thus, when asked where she came from, Jane responds philosophically first from the influence of Oz and the commercial and collective viability of fantasy and then more literally with the mind of Burroughs (even though he didn't live in Tarzana until either 1915 or 1919 and Tarzan was created a bit earlier than that in 1912).
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