(urth) Question for Lafferty fans ...

Antonin Scriabin kierkegaurdian at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 13:02:45 PDT 2012

I was wondering if any of you have managed to get your hands on and read *
Archipelago*, the first in the "Devil is Dead" trilogy.  As far as I can
tell, there was only one print run of 1,000, and the copies that I find
online are at least $150.  Does this work like a "regular" trilogy, in that
it is necessary (or at least highly recommended) that the books be read in
order?  I know with Lafferty all bets are off, so I wouldn't be surprised
if I could read them out of order!

I am also not sure about the last couple volume ... the Wiki says that the
third book in the trilogy, *More Than Melchisedech, *is itself in three
parts, that look like they were printed as chapbooks.  All are virtually
impossible to find online, and incredibly expensive.  If they were printed
as chapbooks, do any of you know if they have been collected elsewhere,
perhaps in a science fiction anthology or something similar?  I ask because
I stumbled across a nice copy of the second volume (*The Devil is Dead*)
that, while still expensive, was a bit more in my price range.  Of course,
I am also just plain curious about all things Lafferty I can find!
Thanks!* *
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