(urth) This Week in Google Alerts: Home Fires
Antonin Scriabin
kierkegaurdian at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 12:54:41 PDT 2012
"Even Hannibal Lector needed someone to talk to and have a meal
with....um...erm..never mind."
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Lee Berman <severiansola at hotmail.com>wrote:
> I disagree with those who find the only tragedy in the death penalty
> to be the execution of an innocent person. Why is freeing a lifelong
> thief, drunk driver and wife beater a greater positive than the execution
> or keeping a guilty but one-time-only murderer in prison for life who would
> have done positive things in their community?
> Tragedy comes to people and families inside and outside the justice system.
> I find that greater harm comes to a society which willfully perpetrates
> tragedy on people in the name of justice. As I suggested to Marc, it is
> not a coincidence that the US States which allow the death penalty
> generally
> have higher murder rates than those which do not. True to some degree also
> for nations of the world.
> People DO look to their government and leadership for cues on how to solve
> life's problems. In some ways, how a society treats its prisoners will
> filter
> down to how people treat each other in general. If the government kills to
> solve its problems we can assume a higher likelihood that the population
> will
> use that method more often in handling their personal problems.
> David, as I said, I don't know the answer to the supermax problem. What DO
> you
> do with a prisoner who is a ticking time bomb, inevitably engaged in either
> killing someone in prison or being killed by another? Do you have any
> ideas?
> All I can think of is more money allocated to make humane conditions even
> for
> these lost souls. There must be some way to allow for some limited, safe
> human contact. Even Hannibal Lector needed someone to talk to and have a
> meal
> with....um...erm..never mind.
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