(urth) If I already like ...

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 17 12:14:29 PDT 2012

--- On Tue, 4/17/12, Jerry Friedman <jerry_friedman at yahoo.com> wrote:

Which brings me to Nabokov, who as I occasionally say is the most Wolfean writer outside sf (or Wolfe is the most Nabokovian sf writer).  Pnin and Lolita are his two classics in the literary tradition.  Pale Fire (my favorite) has more fantasy.  A fan of Lafferty might especially like Invitation to a Beheading.  There were some interesting comments on two of Nabokov's short stories, "The Visit to the Museum" and "Details of a Sunset", on NABOKV-L today.  If anyone here has read either of those, I'd be interested in their thoughts.
I have read all of Nabokov, but I must pull out my books and take another look, it's been a while.
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