(urth) This Week in Google Alerts: Home Fires

entonio at gmail.com entonio at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 06:47:54 PDT 2012

No dia 11/04/2012, às 12:49, David Stockhoff <dstockhoff at verizon.net> escreveu:

> On 4/11/2012 7:28 AM, António Pedro Marques wrote:
>> From another angle: severed limbs and stoning is what you have in Iran or
>> Saudi Arabia, two of the few countries which claim to base their laws on
>> sharia. Now, if iranians or saudi arabians living in Europe claim for the
>> introduction of sharia into the european legal systems, how come is an end
>> result of severed limbs and stonings a bogeyman? 
> Because they'd probably have to stage a revolution to do so---a revolution which is not mentioned in HF.

It's them claiming there is a demographic revolution going on, not their opponents. 

> Whereas the bogeyman of today (or rather from a few years ago) is depicted as a creeping horror.

But it's *you* calling it an horror, it's you condemning 'sharia'. The people professing an islamic form of government cannot object to it. You're arguing as if severed limbs and stonings were not hallmarks of penal systems claiming to be based on sharia, but rather a libel. Wel, they are not. The Saudis and the Iranians aren't shy about defending those penalties. 

> Why would people who have fled repression of any kind be so keen on recreating it in their new country?

I could say 'ask them', but the fact is that they came to europe feeing from poverty, not from repression.

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