(urth) Fringe

Larry Miller decanus1284 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 11:31:31 PDT 2012

As someone who is on friendly terms with one of seasons 4-6 writers of
LOST I can assure you (and I am only going on what I was told) that
the fued between the brothers, the hydrogen bomb, and the Oceanic 6
storylines were developed in between seasons 1 and 2.  Certain things
arise over the course of 6 years which caused the writers to change
some of thier plans, Eko was supposed to have a far larger role for
example.  And Jacobs brother name was Samuel at least in script form.

On 4/4/12, Lee Berman <severiansola at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>At least one was Jewish. Another was Catholic. I don't think Abrams is
>>Jewish. Anyway, what difference would it make?
> Abrams is jewish, as his name strongly suggests. I was going for the
> three credited with originating the series, Abrams, Lindelof and Lieber,
> all jewish as far as I can tell. Who is Catholic?  Carlton Cuse? He was
> an important writer but not one of the creators.
> Anyway, we might hope it wouldn't make a difference but I think it does.
> For whatever reason, one of the smallest nations in the world in size and
> population gets an extraordinarily disproportionate amount of attention in
> the global media and among billions of religious-minded people on earth.
> As some here suggest that Gene Wolfe is speaking in a code which can be
> understood by an audience attuned to Catholic and mythological elements,
> so Jewish writers might use a similar code. Not naming Jacob's brother in
> the show automatically brings the name Esau to mind for those familiar with
> the OT. That fraternal conflict (and the associated Isaac/Ishmael schism)
> represents the Biblical rift between Hebrews and Arabs, Jews and Muslims.
> And I think jewish writers might be more likely to present that conflict as
> tied to some primal power at the roots of the earth (or whatever that
> underground glowing cave was supposed to be).
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