(urth) Home Fires questions

Matthew Keeley matthew.keeley.1 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 16:22:29 PDT 2011

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Stephen Hoy <stephenhoy at yahoo.com> wrote:

> None of these possibilities gains much traction because we have almost no
> information about the nature of the Os. The most revealing info comes from a
> discussion of spying in Ch 2, "I can't imagine how a human being could spy
> on the Os." "Electronically."

I can see three ways of reading that:

a) Spying has to be electronic because the Os are non-organic or robotic (Os
as OS as operating system?)
b) The Os don't at all resemble humans and therefore no human spy could
infiltrate an Os organization, so electronic reconnaissance is the only
c) The Os communicate non-verbally; perhaps there are telepathic
communications that might be electronically intercepted?

a) would seem to presuppose another race behind the Os. None of these three
options rule out the other two from also being true.

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