(urth) Home Fires questions

Stephen Hoy stephenhoy at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 17 19:02:59 PDT 2011

David Stockhoff <dstockhoff at verizon.net> asked: 
> Seriously. Has no one read Home Fires?

My thirst for Home Fires got quenched in the first chapter while trying to figure out why yellow FAX paper would be so comforting--apparently this is a 'finding' in color psychology, which presumably foreshadows the overlays of color-named characters. 

> Was Skip once someone else?

Seems like everyone in Home Fires is/was someone else so why not Skip? Question is, who? His initials--S.W.G.--don't help me generate many alternatives, although some sort of "Greene" seems likely. But Skip/overlay might explain why Skip wonders if Chelle will recognize him on her return--despite the Obvious Explanation that Skip will appear different in Chelle's eyes because he has aged. Skip/overlay also fits with Skip's too-easy transformation into agile hero aboard the cruise ship. 

> At the formal dinner, his family reunites. All three have trouble recognizing one another (except when they don't). Two are known to be not entirely who they think they are. Surely the third is also not entirely who he is. 

I do wonder how any of the Blue family can recognize each other to any degree because they're all replacements/overlays. Still, somehow Chelle recognized her replacement mother at the airport while failing to recognize Skip. Clearly an important clue.
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