(urth) Home Fires questions
Daniel Petersen
danielottojackpetersen at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 02:01:49 PDT 2011
Ha, ha, not yet, David! Wish I could help!
Anybody heard whether Gene's gonna be able to complete The Land Across or
follow up An Evil Guest with a novel set at least partly on Woldercan?
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:41 AM, David Stockhoff <dstockhoff at verizon.net>wrote:
> Seriously. Has no one read Home Fires?
> On 10/8/2011 5:54 PM, David Stockhoff wrote:
>> Apologies for all the links the Wiki paste put in there. Here is a cleaner
>> version.
>> On 10/7/2011 5:33 PM, David Stockhoff wrote:
>>> (1) What the hell was that about Ellen Woodward, Connell, and Auciello?
>>> The leader she shoots is not the hijacker's, because he (I can't find his
>>> name) is subdued by Soriano. Was Skip once someone else? (Why did Chelle
>>> think he had a cane at one point?)
>>> (2) Charles is emphatically Chelle's father (unless he is not). At the
>>> formal dinner, his family reunites. All three have trouble recognizing one
>>> another (except when they don't). Two are known to be not entirely who they
>>> think they are. Surely the third is also not entirely who he is. It has been
>>> suggested Blue is an Os, but surely the Os are not sexually/genetically
>>> compatible with humans. Was Charles abnormally tall previously? Chelle says
>>> he would do anything to get ahead; he was quite old. To complete the trio of
>>> "spirit mounts," is Mr White Charles in an Os body (or some Os-tech amalgam
>>> that lets him keep his blue eyes)?
>>> (3) Someone mentioned the loa; someone else also wondered about a mythic
>>> family containing a resurrected mother and a tricksy father. I don't know
>>> about that but has anyone checked out the Ogun angle? From the Wiki:
>>> (a) In a ritual the Loa are summoned by the Houngan (Priest), Mambo
>>> (Priestess) or Bokor (Sorcerers) to take part in the service, receive
>>> offerings, and grant requests. The Loa arrive in the peristyle (ritual
>>> space) by mounting (possessing) a horse (ritualist) - who is said to be
>>> "ridden." ....
>>> Certain Loa display very distinctive behaviour by which they can be
>>> recognized, specific phrases, and specific actions. As soon as a Loa is
>>> recognized, the symbols appropriate to them will be given to them. For
>>> example Erzulie Freda will be given a mirror and a comb, fine cloth or
>>> jewelry (Vanessa?!); Legba will be given his cane, straw hat and pipe
>>> (Charles?); Baron Samedi will be given his top hat, sunglasses (Charles
>>> again?) and a cigar.
>>> Further, as to why Wolfe would suddenly write a voodoo novel:
>>> (b) As a way to keep their European masters from interfering, and to
>>> appease the authorities who prevented them from practising their own
>>> religions, the African slaves in Haiti syncretised the Loa with the Roman
>>> Catholic saints - so Vodoun altars will frequently have images of Catholic
>>> figures displayed. For example, Papa Legba is alternately St. Peter or St.
>>> Lazarus, Ayizan is Saint Clare, and so on. Syncretism also works the other
>>> way in Haitian Vodou and many Catholic saints have become Loa in their
>>> own right, most notably St. Philomena, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Jude,
>>> and St. John the Baptist.
>>> And finally:
>>> (c) The Rada Loa are generally the older, more beneficent spirits, and
>>> are associated with the gods of Africa. They include Legba, Loko, Ayizan,
>>> Anaisa Pye, Dhamballah Wedo, and Ayida-Weddo, Erzulie Freda, La Sirène, and
>>> Agwe. Their traditional colour is white (as opposed to the specific colours
>>> of individual Loa).
> ---
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