(urth) Horns abilities

Gerry Quinn gerry at bindweed.com
Thu Oct 27 05:55:34 PDT 2011

From: Dan'l Danehy-Oakes 

> It seems to me that Wolfe is deliberately posing a dilemma about
> memory (and time-travel) with Incanto's dream-travel. When he changes
> something in someone's past, they remember it both the "new" way and
> the "old" way. Now, if he "really" changed the past, they should
> remember it "only" the "new" way -- the "old" way now always never
> happened. But if he doesn't, then what is he changing? "Only" the
> memories of the person telling the story? Yet, the changes seem to
> have "real" consequences; and, again, if he really _changed_ their
> memories, they should not remember the pre-change version. Or should
> they?
I’m staying out of this until I’ve re-read Short Sun, then I’ll come up with naturalistic explanations if I can!
I will note, however, that Master Ash interacts with Severian, even though he comes from one of multiple futures.  How well that ties in with time-travelling hierodules etc. is a question for another day.
- Gerry Quinn

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