(urth) Horn's ability

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 26 09:32:24 PDT 2011

>Daniel Petersen: 
>Great connections with the quotes from Claw!  It still looks slightly more
>complicated and mysterious than just this though.  For example, Horn can
>form a sword from dream stuff apparently and then actually cut physical
>things on Green with it.  It's one thing for a ghost to throw plates that
>break.  But it's another for the ghost to form a dream-plate or spirit-plate
>and the plate manages to leave a shiner on the eye of the person hit by it.
>(Even though eventually no other evidence of the plate's existence will
This quasi-dream/quasi-reality essence is exactly what I think WOlfe was going
for. He doesn't WANT us to be able to fully understand it. I'll offer the 
additional evidence that Horn can shake the hand of a Neighbor but he can't 
quite count how many limbs or heads or individuals are there. 		 	   		  

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