(urth) Jordan interview

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 23 15:19:16 PDT 2011

Antonio Pedro Marquez wrote:

> Lee Berman wrote (23-10-2011 03:41):
>> On the other hand, I don't think The Pancreator is the Christian God,
>> nor the Outsider. They seem to be more along the lines of demiurge to me.
>> In fact a demiurge is mentioned in BotNS along with other spooky gnostic
>> deities like The Abraxas.
> ? Certainly a demiurge creates. It's the Outsider who isn't referred to
> as a creator, iirc.

I think the Outsider is identified with the Maker in the Pajarocu story.

'Demiurge' does indeed just mean 'maker'; it has a specific
connatation in gnosticism, where it is opposed to the true God, but in
other contexts this need not be implied.

'Abraxas' does seem to be a gnostic word, but apparently it's unclear
whether it is a name of  the Archon or of the true God, so it's
uncertain what we should.

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