(urth) Silk's origin

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 22 11:50:05 PDT 2011

>Antonio: Oh, I didn't mean you tried to impose the myths you're aware 

>of on the  story. I meant you think myths must be the key to it, and that 

>may entail researching mythology in order to find usable material (as you  
>just went on to explain about FI).


Fair enough. Though I'd say that I think myths and religion are the key to

only one level of this piece of literature. There are other levels which

need other keys. Knowledge of South American geography and culture apply to 

one level of understanding. World politics and history to another. American 

pop culture and Gene WOlfe's personal life are the keys to another level still. 		 	   		  

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