(urth) [BGSpam]Re: Typhon's nature

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Sun Oct 16 11:38:35 PDT 2011

On 10/15/2011 9:08 PM, Lee Berman wrote:
> Against this positive evidence that Typhon and Echidna are siblings we 
> are getting an argument that they are not siblings based on....well, 
> nothing I guess aside from a gut-level feeling that incest just ain't 
> normal. It was normal for pagan gods and it was normal for pharonic 
> dynasties both of which lend themselves to the literary creation ofthe 
> gods of the Whorl. This has been pointed out, but without text 
> evidence Gerry bravely soldiers on in his insistance that Typhon and 
> Echidna cannot be siblings. I guess that level of devotion to 
> intransigence does warrant a bit of admiration. 
I'd like to note that incest is almost by definition covert. The 
implication of it does its own work. See any gothic novel---including 
Walpole's. Either a whisper of it is enough to destroy, or the brazen 
fact of it is enough to establish that a character has departed from 
common morality---or else he is an Oriental despot who never knew it in 
the first place. The possibilities are: monstrous guilt, blasphemy, 
hubris, or alchemy. A hint of Typhon doing it would speak volumes about 
him and how he saw himself.

And didn't someone just observe that all Typhon's offspring had 
something wrong with them?

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