(urth) Urth-Earth links

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 14 13:18:13 PDT 2011

Lee Berman wrote:

> James is a pretty sensitive guy when it comes to religion. In a discussion with him in here a number
> of years back he got rather upset with the idea that the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis, and in Dr. Talos'
> play, might be the product of the mating of fallen angels and humans (though in the play the demon
> Jahi seems to be trying to accomplish just that).

Wolfe has actually explained (in COTO) what he thinks the Nephilim
were; they were the product of matings between humans and non-rational
hominids, who, being innocent, could be called 'sons of God'. So I
don't think the use of 'Nephilim' is evidence of human/angel mating,
whatever he may otherwise think of it.

(It's interesting that he assumes the existence of evolution and long
time-periods, and yet takes it that the Nephilim passage is a report
of a real event; make of that what you will.)

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