(urth) Faterh Inire

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 13 19:23:35 PDT 2011

>David Stockhoff: Do you have a page or a quote for this? I'd like to 

>read that passage. I agree that these two clues are classic Wolfe.


I have overstated the congruence a bit but Severian describes the old

boatman as: "bowed and shrunken by age..until he could hardly have 

weighed more than a boy of ten."


The old boatman's description of Father Inire is: "Just a little man is

he, with a wry neck and bow legs"


He mentions that to keep manatees out of the lake, "Father Inire had

the gardeners plant the averns. I was here and saw it".



I don't think any first time reader would see those lines halfway through

the first book of this series and conclude that the old boatman was Father

Inire. But after multiple readings of the series and coming to the 

conclusion that we are supposed to look for disguised appearances of Father 

Inire, I still find the old boatman to be a prime candidate. 		 	   		  

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