(urth) Silk's origin

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 20:46:22 PDT 2011

On 10/12/2011 9:21 PM, Marc Aramini wrote:
> As far as James' discussion of the fathers of Silk, while no other father is mentioned, it is explicitly stated that one of them is who Lemur patterns himself after.  Lemur patterns himself not after a secular authority, but after a rather god-like being who has sent his consciousness into a machine (Pas like).

We don't really know who the voice is supposed to be.

>    There is no background to support that Tussah was grown from an embryo, since the seal of Pas had only been recently broken and the embryos stolen.

Umm....For Silk and Mucor to be embryos, they must have been on the 
market for at least 25 years. That's not "recently". We don't really 
know how long ago the embryos were released or if there were more than 
one stash.  Remora gives not hint that when Tussah purchased his embryo, 
they were a novelty. And since the event with Pike's Ghost implies that 
Silk and Pike are twins, separated by decades....well, they've been 
around a while.

> There is evidence that since the time of Tussah's caldeship, these embryos have been GROWN PREMATURELY, before Pas planned.  Lemur's speech also mentions explicitly that Pas wanted a son to replace him, the other children were just no good.

Hierax is described as the very image of Typhon.

> We also have Silk's head on Typhon's body.  Not Tussah's head.

As I recall, this after Pas has been patched. Tussah was dead. And 
anyway, Pas didn't need patching when Tussah was alive.

> And Silk never goes bald.


> And doesn't look like chenille, who looks just like her father Tussah.

Yep, this is a problem. But for the reasons I gave, I can't really come 
up with another adequate solution to the "son not of my body" bit.

> I just don't see HOW we can support the idea that Tussah could be a clone, when there is a TON of evidence that the grown embryos were a well known scandal,and Silk the most expensive one of them all, a very very special embryo that ruined the reputation of a respected Calde.

Where are you getting that having an embyo was a scandal rather than an 
expensive novelty? I don't think there is any evidence that Tussah was 
murdered be cause of Silk.


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