(urth) Typhon's nature

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 12:13:36 PDT 2011

Jeff Wilson wrote (10-10-2011 18:29):
> On 10/10/2011 7:43 AM, David Stockhoff wrote:
>> On 10/10/2011 3:30 AM, Jeff Wilson wrote:
>>> His thoughts being sent into far places could easily have been
>>> him spying through the remaining technological outposts similar to the
>>> speaking machines in the Matchin Tower and Valeria's reception hall.
>>> He may have had telepresences there to keep his ruling face au courant.
>> Except that this would require "outposts" at the south pole and under
>> the sea.
> I don;t know about require; sensors can have ranges and their data may be
> used to infer details beyond those. An ancient but still functional satllite
> in orbit above the south pole and the sea could be accessible to Typhon
> "Hmm, weather patterns continue to deteriorate... Great Me,

Awesome. +10.

> what is that THING on the infrared?"


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