(urth) Typhon's nature

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Tue Oct 11 11:18:21 PDT 2011

Several people think this, to my astonishment. But there are 
complications, which I have pointed out.

Not the least of which being that no character mentions machines capable 
of political observations and updates, especially subaquatic ones, and 
even if they existed they would require human input since politics are 
human systems. You can't do that with satellites. And why not, then, 
even years-out-of-date interplanetary updates? Typhon mentions none.

On 10/11/2011 2:02 PM, James Wynn wrote:
> I think this implies that that he has systems that have kept track of 
> affairs while he's been dead. He's received the update and now 
> comprehends the current political state of the Urth.
> On 10/11/2011 10:49 AM, larry miller wrote:
>> During Severians encounter with Typhon he tells Severian "though Ive
>> lived again but a day Ive sent my thoughts to far places.  There are
>> those in the sea that would rule us".  Typhon I think more or less
>> senses the presence of the megatherians instead of actually
>> communicating with them.
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