(urth) Return to the Whorl

Tim O'Donnell timodonn at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 06:50:59 PDT 2011

As far as I am aware the secret of the Inhumi is essentially the Golden
If we were nicer to each other they could not be feed on us.  As they absorb
traits from their hosts they absorb their deceptiveness and cruelty from

If we were nicer to us sure they would still be a danger, but the same level
of danger
as a snake or some other deadly animal.
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 07:43:05 -0400
From: larry miller <biglar1984 at gmail.com>
To: urth at lists.urth.net
Subject: (urth) Return to the Whorl
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Almost done with my reread of RttW.  Haven't read it since I bought
the omnibus from the scifi bookclub years ago.  I forgot how
irritating Pigs dialogue is.  Can anyone explain the secret of the
Inhumi to me?  Either I am overthinking it or missed the point
completely.  Guess I was wrong about Scylla of the Whorl and Scylla of
Urth being the same entity.  Forgot all about Scylla making the deal
with the undine after traveling to Nessus with Horn.  After Im done I
think its time to revisit Book of the Long Sun.
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