(urth) Typhon's nature

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 16:15:45 PDT 2011

Jerry Friedman wrote (11-10-2011 23:45):
> Of course this has nothing to do with Wolfe, and I don't mind if it turns
> out I'm wrong.

'Cold-blooded' does not mean the creature is at the same temperature as its
environment. It means it has no organic* way to regulate the temperature. Of
course, that means it can't stray very far from the environment's
temperature, but a little bit is doable.

(*) 'Fever' in mammals means the animal's body produces large amounts of 
heat. In lizards it means the animal moves into the sun so as to increase 
the temperature. Imagine that, behavioural fever.

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