(urth) Typhon's nature

Jeff Wilson jwilson at clueland.com
Tue Oct 11 03:34:30 PDT 2011

On 10/10/2011 4:56 PM, David Stockhoff wrote:
> Unless there is scanning of the older clone and uploading into the younger.
> If Typhon has superpowers that are genetic in origin, he'd lose them if
> he transferred to another brain, unless that brain also has that
> genetically-derived infrastructure. Might this explain his reluctance to
> lose his "face"?

The nature of his mental powers might include the ability to impress his 
brain's pattern upon another.  He does this a bit, when Sev feels his 
mind gripped by a vise when Typhon tries to make him submit to an oath.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at clueland.com
Computational Intelligence Laboratory - Texas A&M Texarkana
< http://www.tamut.edu/CIL >

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