(urth) [BGSpam]Re: Typhon's nature

larry miller biglar1984 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 10:45:38 PDT 2011

In dr. Talos play Scylla is mentioned alongside Abaia and Erebus.
Knowing that Scylla is part of Typhons family it doesn't seem too
farfetched to assume Typhon was originally one of the Megatherians.
Maybe his bean grown body was humanoid and he transferred into it from
his monster form.  Then something prevented him from transferring into
the Mandragora in Citadel (more than likely a Proto-Chem) and his only
alternative was to graft his humanoid head onto Piatons body.  We know
that Typhon as Pas did not get on well with Scylla and the others so
it makes sense that he would want to enslave them when he regains
control of the Commonwealth.  Typhon more than likely feels as though
he has surpassed his waterbound brethren and does not count himself
among them.

On 10/10/11, Gerry Quinn <gerry at bindweed.com> wrote:
> From: larry miller
>> All we know for sure is that Piaton is not Typhons original
>> body.  The links between Scylla and Typhon suggest that maybe his
>> original form was that of a megatherian.
> But we know Typhon's head was human or humanoid, and that he lived on land
> when he ruled Urth.  I don't think it's tenable to identify him with a sea
> monster.  Nor was his observation "there are powers in the sea that would
> rule" followed by "used to be one myself".
> In the two later series there is considerable evidence that Typhon was human
> or at least reasonably humanoid.
>> I think Jonas telling the
>> beans story in the same  chapter of the Piteous Gate (most likely
>> caused by the undines swimming through the river beyond the wall)  is
>> Wolfes sly way of hinting at a connection.  Growing from a bean as
>> being a way to explain cloning from a frozen embryo seems to fit with
>> high technology passed off as magic throughout the books.
> The beans certainly are embryos of some kind (or nano-factories or whatever
> sea monsters develop from).  And Wolfe once observed that Damon Knight grew
> him from a bean.  But I don't where you find a connection with Typhon here.
> - Gerry Quinn
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