(urth) Horn's ability

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 27 06:53:56 PDT 2011

>Gerry Quinn: I was trying to make the point that even if we knew that 
>Hethor’s original name started with H we wouldn’t know much.
I agree.
>Why are you all so negative about my theories!

Heh. Why do I suspect you aren't really hurt ;- ).
I don't intend to be snotty by pointing out that Gene Wolfe is
American and that may give an occasional advantage to Americans in 
understanding him. I just think it is a useful bit of information.
I assume everyone has seen this video clip but if you listen to Gene
Wolfe speak, it can help illustrate the point.
Other relevant content in this interview about Wizard/Knight is that
Wolfe is clear and unambiguous about creating this universe to 
illustrate the effect of the absence of Christianity. Neither does he
mince words on his mythological allusions. He says "The ValFather is 
Woden or Odin" and "Michael is the archangel Michael". 		 	   		  

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