(urth) Horns abilities

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes danldo at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 09:42:04 PDT 2011

António Pedro Marques wrote:

> Let's be economical. They're telling stories. The stories set off as
> biographical, but there's no reason they must remain accurate. Just because
> they insert some character into a story they're telling which started off as
> biographical, it doesn't follow that they think the characater really
> existed in their lives. If I tell some story about my childhood and at some
> point put Kirsten Dunst in it, it doesn't follow that I suddenly think
> Kirsten Dunst was part of my childhood.

But if you tell a story about your childhood, and _someone else_
causes you to put Kirsten Dunst into it, and afterwards you remember
Kirsten Dunst being a part of it ... well, that's a different
kettle-o'-fish entirely.

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes

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