(urth) Typhon's nature

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Tue Oct 11 07:05:33 PDT 2011

On 10/11/2011 1:25 AM, Jerry Friedman wrote:
> Do we know Mucor's talent is genetic?  Maybe it's the result of an 
> implant or  brain surgery or magic performed on her embryo.  Or are 
> you using "genetic" as a shorthand for some broader idea? It seems to 
> me Typhon's psionic talents are quite possible for humans in Briah, 
> considering Mucor and Decuman.  We have no idea what enhancement and 
> special training Typhon might have. Jerry Friedman

The councilors' discussion of Mucor and the missing embryo that was Silk 
makes it very clear that they are much the same. Surgery can't explain a 
"magic" embryo. But the very fact that it's an embryo is a clear signal 
that the origin of its magic is fundamentally genetic.

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