(urth) Pike/Oreb

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 15:02:53 PDT 2011

On 11/1/2011 5:47 PM, Jerry Friedman wrote:
> For instance, is it connected with Severian's mistaking the astral Silk for Master Malrubius?  We can take Severian to be a son or clone of Patera P., but such a relationship with Master M. is a bit much for me.

For me, it is difficult to get around the explanation that Silk and Pike 
are brother clones.
The clincher for me is Silk's two-page struggle with why he called Blood 

On 11/1/2011 6:44 PM, larry miller wrote:
> That was my first impression also that Pike was Silk from the future
> in astral form.  Do you really think that Wolfe knew that far ahead
> what would happen to Horn/Silk in Short Sun?

He had to know what the inhumi were there for and why Quezel wanted  a 
human colony on Green. So he had a good idea of the differences between 
the two planets. There is also the foreshadowing in Silk's conversation 
with Horn, his ability to mimic Silk and such. So, yeah, I think Wolfe 
knew that Horn would become Silk. He didn't know if the SS volume would 
be published. But he knew generally what would happen if it were.


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