(urth) Pig's eye

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 09:51:03 PST 2011

>>> working glass in Pig's recovery room for Silver Silk
>>> to use
>>> in order to
>>> reintegrate with his greater self in Mainframe.
>>> -Roy
>> marc: So was Silver Silk still in mainframe while he was trapped
>> in Pig?  I need to look it over again.  I know he
>> was trapped in Pig ... but is that a fragment or "all" of
>> him?  The copying/deletion gets a bit onerous.
> So I guess I'm asking if SilverSilk was only reuniting with his greater part or "returning" wholesale to mainframe, where he could then flash a part of himself back to the body of Silk (if he was deleted or not present previously, perhaps this would not be possible)

I presume Silver Silk is like any other Mainframe entity. A part --and 
aspect-- of him can possess humans, chems, and animals. When the part 
returns to Mainframe, it's memories and identity are reintegrated into 
the whole.

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