(urth) Pike's ghost

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 29 13:32:55 PST 2011

>Gerry Quinn: If you can show an interpretation is wrong, you save others from 
>being misled by it.  Seems a good reason to point out the problem.

Heh. Our knight in shining armour!
But is it possible "others" don't really need saving? Are not "others" fully 
capable of deciding for themselves which interpretations have merit? Do 
"others" really need Gerry Quinn to do this work for them? What qualifies you
for this position as saviour?
Gerry is it possible your contributions are actually more self-serving than in
the service of others?  I do appreciate your honesty in posting such a revealing 
and candid statement of your intentions.  And I apologize for the rhetorical 
questions. But perhaps they are worth asking. 		 	   		  

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