(urth) Like a good Neighbor

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 24 09:02:07 PST 2011

>James Wynn: Looks to me like someone's inhumi roommate left town without kicking 

>in on his half of the rent.


LMAO. Yep. perhaps. Well, there are very few point in WOlfe stories I consider as

sure and obvious as this one. So, I'll throw my little snit fit for a while.


Actually, that is probably enough to make my point, unless there is someone who 

would like to continue the discussion on the purpose of Wolfean liars. There are

quite a few of them and they serve a definite purpose in what Wolfe is trying to

say to his readers. (that purpose includes religion as well as politics) 		 	   		  

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