(urth) Like a good Neighbor

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 08:42:01 PST 2011

David Stockhoff wrote (21-11-2011 16:31):
> On 11/21/2011 10:05 AM, Gerry Quinn wrote:
>> *From:* James Wynn <mailto:crushtv at gmail.com>
>>> From OBW:
>>> "Once, as I lay there at the bottom of the pit,...
>> > Gerry wrote:
>>> > > It happened *after* Horn came to himself and sat up.
>> > Gerry, that's not what he wrote. He explicitly says, "Once, as I lay
>> there at the
>> > bottom of the pit". The point in the story is undetermined but it is BEFORE
>> > he sat up. It straightforwardly the opposite of your reading.
>> You’re forgetting the *thirst*. It was when he came to himself and sat up
>> that he noticed he was thirsty. When the long-nosed man sent him on his
>> astral voyage, he told Nettle he was dying of thirst. So the long-nosed
>> man must have come after Horn came to himself and sat up.
>> He lay there both before and after sitting up that time. What else would
>> he do to rest? He could not climb walls or lick dew for days on end. So
>> “once as I lay there” tells us nothing. But the thirst tells us the
>> sequence of events.
> Gerry, are you saying a man can't be thirsty twice before he has a drink?

His thrist should refer to internal bleeding. Whether it is before or after 
the Neighbours start repairing him cannot be deduced from it alone.

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