(urth) Fwd: Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 19:22:04 PST 2011

No dia 20/11/2011, às 03:10, James Wynn <crushtv at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>> António Pedro Marques wrote:
>>>> But by saying that the Rajan is Silk and is Horn even though their spirits aren't there seems to imply you have a very fixed model in your mind, in which people are their memories.
>>> But that doesn't mean that I am positive how that would affect such a person's psychology under every possible circumstance (or even Wolfe). It is not possible to run such a being through scientific tests. Ambiguity is a central aspect in all Wolfe's works.
>> But then why insist on 'Horn is gorn'?
> Because the explanation I've presented strikes me as the one that best fits all the elements in the story. And if the explanation is right then Horn's spirit went first and his body and brain went next. What is left?

I don't understand what's the harm for your explanatory framework of having Horn's and Silk's spirits still there. 

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