(urth) Fwd: Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 05:29:12 PST 2011

No dia 19/11/2011, às 01:55, James Wynn <crushtv at gmail.com> escreveu:

>> Well, this is what I thought was happening:
>> - if Horn dies at the pit, it's because his body is broken, not his spirit; if his spirit leaves it's because the body is no longer able to sustain one
>> - with Silk it's the opposite: there's no big problem with the body, but the spirit is broken
> ************************
> “He dies because you shot him through the heart. Or because he suffered some disease or was kicked by a horse, as a wise friend once suggested to me. But you bring up an important point—that the spirit is not life, nor is life the spirit. And another, that the two together are one. A husband is not his wife, no more than a wife is her husband; but the two in combination are one. ”
> ~RttW   chptr 3
> **************************
>> I see you claim that Silk's body wasn't actually all that well and died/would die as well, not for lack of spirit but for self-harm. I think that may work, but it's just not the reading I had.
> Do you remember those scratches on his wrists?

Do you remember the countless news reports that go 'individual tried to kill himself by slashing his wrists [but all he got were sore wrists]'? Now, if it were his throat...

>> But if all that's left of Silk are memories, then all the abilities and personality traits we observe in the Rajan and have speculated are Related to Typhon's should actually be the Neighbour's.
> What is Pas but Typhon's memories.

??? Personality, of course! Weren't you just a while ago claiming that that were where chems' personalities had come from, real people but without their memories?

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