(urth) Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 17:38:21 PST 2011

>> James Wynn wrote:
>> Another potential connection for Oreb being possessed by Pas? After 
>> Isis found Osiris's body the first time, she hid it in the 
>> marshlands. There's some insight into the way I read Wolfe.
> David Stockhoff wrote:
> That's why you think Oreb might have had a piece of Pas. 

It adds confirmation to my favorite theory. I *do* believe Oreb was 
possessed when Silk bought him and I have always liked Pas for that 
role. It doesn't hurt that Isis left Osiris's body in the marshlands but 
I wouldn't have based a theory on it.

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