(urth) Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Thu Nov 17 13:13:51 PST 2011

On 11/17/2011 4:07 PM, Dan'l Danehy-Oakes wrote:
> David Stockhoff wrote:
>> My estimate of
>> a dozen was based on how many phallus-level body parts there are. They
>> couldn't all be in Viron.
> Why not? Viron is, after all, "Scalding Scylla's" own city. It would
> be the last place she would look for him to hide.

True, although there may be other Scylla cities, but Viron could get 
attacked by a neighbor with an airfleet (ahem), or experience a civil war.

Wolfe does actually give us a clue in his (Hammerstone's?) lectures on 
how armored infantry are best for defense, while planes and tanks are 
best for assault. Viron has a good-sized army left, for whatever reason. 
It may be the safest place in a whorl without nuclear weapons or carpet 

I was assuming that Pas would have equal difficulty retrieving parts 
from all over the Whorl, but maybe it's actually easier for him to keep 
them near one another. He only needs one Auk if they are all in Viron; 
still, he could have a thousand Auks.

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