(urth) Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 08:39:19 PST 2011

> On 11/17/2011 11:12 AM, James Wynn wrote:
>> Incidentally...those fires the Neighbors light to kill inhumi? 
>> They're burning lianas.
>> Just my opinion.
> On 11/17/2011 10:27 AM, David Stockhoff wrote:
> Do you mean lianas that will grow into inhumi? That have come from the 
> lander from Green that landed at Pajarocu?
> Makes sense.

I have absolutely no idea how the inhumi are lianas. I only know that 
they are. It really makes no sense to me. Marc has a method that 
satisfies him but it doesn't satisfy me. Still, I have no alternate theory.

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